Paulsen Votes to Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline


The U.S. House of Representatives, in a bipartisan vote, passed legislation approving the Keystone XL Pipeline Friday afternoon. Congressman Erik Paulsen (MN-03) voted in favor of the legislation, H.R. 3, the Keystone XL Pipeline Act. A 2014 study conducted by the U.S. State Department found that construction of the pipeline would support 42,000 jobs and add $3.4 billion to the American economy. The U.S. Senate is expected to begin debate on similar legislation Monday.

"It's time to end politics as usual and give this project the green light to help our economy and create a more energy independent North America," said Paulsen. "Building the pipeline -- instead of relying on train transportation -- is better for the environment, safer for our communities, and more cost effective."
